lunes, 13 de mayo de 2013


There is a huge difference between both in terms of preparation and the planning they do for the meaning and synchronization of the show, also the resources they could use is different in both cases, but i think in terms of cultural meaning both of them are important in the same way.

miércoles, 24 de abril de 2013

usage of English to teach about holidays in other countries

They use the english lenguage in a way the english speakers could understand the meaning given to the celebration for the people of the respective culture, and what is that people feels about his celebration.

I learned that is not impossible to transmit the same feelings and ideas you have, even if you change of lenguage,

miércoles, 3 de abril de 2013

my own personal culture

I think is not the music or sports that has been always around me the ones who shape my own personal culture, i think that was the people or the friends that created like a way for me to could shape my own culture, because the music and sports that were around me since i was a child are not the ones with i feel identified, but the music, sports or hobby that the people i acknowledge as my friends showed me, those were the ones to shape my own personal culture, making me feel identified with the people i best known.


I would lend money to Ericka Patricia, the main reason is because i see in her a strong will, she is young but her eyes show that she has great goals and the motivation to reach them.
Also i think her business with the soda shop has a grat future, that maybe it can't be seen now, but is very known how people like to spend time in the kind of places like soda shops, then if Ericka make a good management of what she want to do, i can put my faith that she will really success and reach all her goals.

sábado, 30 de marzo de 2013

1. How are matatu drivers treated in his experience with the BBC?

People think matatu drivers are dangerous, and that they are the main reason for all the problems they have on the streets and thats why they were treated like criminals with the BBC

2. Do Barranquilleros have the same negative opinion of mototaxistas as the Kenyans have of matatu drivers?

Indeed, they have similars reactions on his arounds, probably because the mototaxistas as the matatu drivers are un rush to earn the more money they can with the less time espended, and thats why the broke a lot of rules in the streets to fill his goal.

miércoles, 13 de febrero de 2013


Well, actually there is not a favorite carnaval moment for me, but a favourite carnival time.
I mean that today the carnival is full of useless behaves because of the people, the carnival happens because of the wish of make Barranquilla to remember his culture, but people don't understand this, and they think carnival is made for them to do whatever they want.
Then what i really like of the carnival is that it show us the cuture where our ancient parents live, then the favourite moment would be when the people can understand this menssage and enjoy what the real purpose of the carnival is.

miércoles, 6 de febrero de 2013

Tinariwen’s video

I can see how they appreciate the natural things, they are very wise persons and they know what is the true path of the life.